Chart components API
The installation contains the following components:
babia-pie component
This component shows a pie chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
key | The field of the data that will define each slice of the pie. (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | key |
size | The numeric field of the data that will define the size of the slices | string | size |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a slice | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-doughnut component
This component shows a doughnut chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
key | The field of the data that will define each slice of the pie. (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | key |
size | The numeric field of the data that will define the size of the slices | string | size |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a slice | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-bars component
This component shows a simple 2D bar chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
x_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the x_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | x_axis |
height | the numeric field of the data that will define the height of the bars | string | height |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a bar | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
axis | Shows chart axis | boolean | true |
axis_name | Shows metric labels on axis | boolean | false |
chartHeight | Adjusts the height of the chart. | number | - |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
dur | Duration of the animation(ms) | number | 2000 |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-barsmap component
This component shows a bars map.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
x_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the x_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | x_axis |
z_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the z_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | z_axis |
height | the numeric field of the data that will define the height of the bars | string | height |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a bar | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
axis | Shows chart axis | boolean | true |
axis_name | Shows metric labels on axis | boolean | false |
chartHeight | Adjusts the height of the chart. | number | - |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
dur | Duration of the animation(ms) | number | 2000 |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-bubbles component
This component shows a 3D Bubbles chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
x_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the x_axis of the chart (as a keys) | string | x_axis |
z_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the z_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | z_axis |
height | the numeric field of the data that will define the height of the bubbles | string | height |
radius | the numeric field of the data that will define the radius of the bubbles | string | radius |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a bubble | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
axis | Shows chart axis | boolean | true |
scale | Scales up the chart. For example: scale 1/100 => scale: 100 |
number | - |
heightMax | Adjusts the height of the chart. | number | - |
radiusMax | Adjusts bubbles' radius of the chart. | number | - |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-cyls component
This component shows a cylinder chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
x_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the x_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | x_axis |
height | the numeric field of the data that will define the height of the cylynders | string | height |
radius | the numeric field of the data that will define the radius of the cylynders | string | radius |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a cylinder | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
axis | Shows chart axis | boolean | true |
axis_name | Shows metric labels on axis | boolean | false |
chartHeight | Adjusts the height of the chart. | number | 10 |
keepHeight | Keep height when updating data. | boolean | true |
radiusMax | Adjusts bubbles' radius of the chart. | number | 2 |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
dur | Duration of the animation(ms) | number | 2000 |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-cylsmap component
This component shows a 3D cylinder chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
x_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the x_axis of the chart (as a keys) | string | x_axis |
z_axis | The field of the data that will define the tags of the z_axis of the chart (as a keys). (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | z_axis |
height | the numeric field of the data that will define the height of the cylynders | string | height |
radius | the numeric field of the data that will define the radius of the cylynders | string | radius |
legend | Shows a legend when hovering a cylinder | boolean | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
axis | Shows chart axis | boolean | true |
axis_name | Shows metric labels on axis | boolean | false |
scale | Scales up the chart. For example: scale 1/100 => scale: 100 |
number | - |
chartHeight | Adjusts the height of the chart. | number | 10 |
keepHeight | Keep height when updating data. | boolean | true |
radiusMax | Adjusts bubbles' radius of the chart. | number | 2 |
palette | Color palette of the chart blues bussiness sunset . See more or a custom array of colors <a-entity babia-xxxx='...; palette: ["#ffb02e", "#8600c4", "#007700", "#00388c", "#df0084", "#00c4ff"]'></a-entity> |
string or array | ubuntu |
title | Shows chart title | string | - |
titleFont | Font of the title. Path to a typeface.json file or selector to <a-asset-item> . See more |
JSON (list of objects) | |
titleColor | Color of the title | string | #FFFFFF |
titlePosition | Position of the title | string | 0 0 0 |
animation | Animates chart | boolean | false |
dur | Duration of the animation(ms) | number | 2000 |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
babia-city component
This component shows a city chart.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The treebuilder entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
absolute | Absolute size (width and depth will be used for proportions) | boolean | false |
width | Width of the entire city. | number | 20 |
depth | Depth of the entire city. | number | 20 |
split | Algoritm to split rectangle in buildings: naive, pivot | (naive or pivot) | naive |
farea | Field in data items to represent as building area | string | area |
fmaxarea | Field in data items to represent as building max_area | string | max_area |
fheight | Field in data items to represent as building height | string | height |
titles | Titles on top of the buildings when hovering | boolean | true |
building_color | Color of the buildings | color | #E6B9A1 |
base | build the base or not | boolean | true |
base_thick | Base thickness | number | 0.2 |
base_color | Base color | color | #98e690 |
border | Size of border around buildings (streets are built on it) | number | 1 |
extra | Extra factor for total area with respect to built area | number | 1.4 |
zone_elevation | Zone: elevation for each “depth” of quarters, over the previous one | number | 1 |
unicolor | Unique color for each zone | boolean | false |
wireframe | Show materials as wireframe | boolean | false |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
Data format example
{"id": "Root",
[{"id": "BlockA",
"children": [{"id": "BlockA0",
"children": [{"id": "A0A", "area": 2, "height": 1}, ...]},
babia-boats component
This component shows a city in boats.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
from | The treebuilder entity ID where is the data for the chart | string | - |
area | Field in data items to represent as building area. DON’T USE IT WITH WIDTH/DEPTH PARAMETERS. | string | - |
width | Field in data items to represent as building area. DON’T USE IT WITH AREA PARAMETERS. | string | width |
depth | Field in data items to represent as building area. DON’T USE IT WITH AREA PARAMETERS. | string | depth |
height | Field in data items to represent as building height | string | height |
minBuildingHeight | Min value for the building height | number | 0.03 |
maxBuildingHeight | Max value for the building height | number | 2 |
color | Field in data items to represent the color of the buildings as HSL heatmap (or categoric) | string | - |
building_separation | Separation of the buildings by a numeric factor | number | 0.25 |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 |
legendsAsChildren | Set the legends as children of buildings and quarters | boolean | false |
legendsAsChildrenHeight | Height of the legends when they are children. | number | 3 |
metricsInfoId | Id of the HTML entity where the metrics information (max, min and avg) will be displayed | string | - |
numericColorLegendId | Id of the color legend when numeric to hide/show | string | - |
highlightQuarter | Option to highlight a quarter when a building is clicked | boolean | false |
hideQuarterBoxLegend | Option to hide teh transparent box when clicking a quarter | boolean | false |
highlightQuarterByClick | Option to highlight a quarter when a quarter is clicked | boolean | false |
border | Size of border around buildings (streets are built on it) | number | 0.5 |
extra | Extra factor for total area with respect to built area | number | 1.0 |
zone_elevation | Zone: elevation for each “depth” of quarters, over the previous one, ABSOLUTE value (scale does not affects this parameter) | number | 0.3 |
building_color | Color of the buildings | color | #E6B9A1 |
buildingAlpha | Alpha of the buildings - opacity | number | 1 |
base_color | Quarter color | color | #98e690 |
baseAlpha | Quarter alpha - opacity | number | 1 |
gradientBaseColor | Quarter color following a green gradient from hsl(140, 100%, 15%) to hsl(140, 100%, 100%) | boolean | false |
data | Data to show with the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - |
field | Field of the data that will define the tree (DON’T USE WITH TREEBUILDER) | string | uid |
autoscale | Force the scale of the boats-city in a fit space (Only in x and z axis), it also affects to the animation¡ | boolean | false |
autoscaleSizeX | Max size (absolute units) in x-axis for the autoscale | number | 3 |
autoscaleSizeZ | Max size (absolute units) in z-axis for the autoscale | number | 3 |
treeLayout | New layout that forms trees - WIP for strictly hierarchy data | boolean | false |
treeFixQuarterHeight | Only when treeLayout activated: Fix the position of the quarters in a defined height | boolean | false |
treeQuartersLevelHeight | Only when treeLayout and treeFixQuarterHeight activated: Distance where the quarters will be fixed | number | 0.2 |
treeHideOneSonQuarters | Only when treeLayout activated: Hide quarters with only one son, this does not show empty quarters at the top of the city | boolean | false |
wireframeByRepeatedField | If a building share the same value of the field selected in this parameter, it will be printed as a wireframe | string | - |
transparency80ByRepeatedField | If a building share the same value of the field selected in this parameter, it will be printed with opacity 0.8 IMPORTANT TO DEFINE THE RENDERER OF A-FRAME WITH sortObjects set at true | string | - |
transparency20ByRepeatedField | If a building share the same value of the field selected in this parameter, it will be printed with opacity 0.2 IMPORTANT TO DEFINE THE RENDERER OF A-FRAME WITH sortObjects set at true | string | - |
highlightBuildingByField | Field that will determine if a building will be highlighted (by putting it color to yellow) if share the same value to the building clicked | string | - |
highlightBuildingByFieldColor | Color for highlighting the previous attribute | string | white |
Data format example
{"id": "Root",
[{"id": "BlockA",
"children": [{"id": "BlockA0",
"children": [{"id": "A0A", "area": 2, "height": 1}, ...]},
babia-terrain Component
This component creates a terrain using vertices data.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
width | Width of the terrain | number | 1 |
height | Height of the terrain | number | 1 |
segmentsWidth | Number of width segments | number | 1 |
segmentsHeight | Number of height segments | number | 1 |
color | Color of the terrain | string | #FFFFFF |
filled | Fill the terrain | boolean | false |
data | Data about vertices of the terrain | array | - |
Data Format
Data length must be the same as the vertices = segmentsWidth x segmentsHeight.
data: 0, 3, 6, 3, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2,
0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2,
0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2,
0, 3, 6, 3, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2
The title of the chart uses typeface.json
files, which are Web Fonts converted to
JSON for three.js. Typeface fonts can be generated from fonts using this
typeface font generator. Select JSON
format and we recommend restricting the character set to only the characters
you need. You may also have to check reverse font direction if you get odd font results.
You can also find some sample generated fonts in the examples/fonts
in the three.js repository.
By default, the text geometry component points to Helvetiker (Regular). Each font is fairly large, from at least 60KB to hundreds of KBs.
To include a font for use with the text component, it is recommended to define
it in <a-asset-item>
and point at it with a selector.
babia-network component
This component shows a network chart.
Property | Description | Type | Parse | Default value |
nodeLegend | Shows a legend when hovering a node. | boolean | - | false |
linkLegend | Shows a legend when hovering a link. Important: will only work if nodeLabel is different from "" | boolean | - | false |
legend_lookat | Element that the legend will follow in terms of rotation | string | [camera] |
legend_scale | Scale for the legend | number | 1 | |
from | The filterdata/querier entity ID where the data for the chart is. | string | - | - |
data | Complete data to show in the chart. Link information will be obtained from the information inside the nodes. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from , nodes and links attributes. |
JSON (list of objects) | - | - |
nodes | Nodes data to show in the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - | - |
links | Links data to show in the chart. Important: Using this attribute will disable the from attribute. |
JSON (list of objects) | - | - |
nodeId | Field of data/nodes that will define each node of the network. (Make sure that this field has unique values!) | string | - | nodeId |
nodeLabel | Field of data/nodes or property that will be shown in the legend of each node of the network. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. | - | parseAccessor | id |
linkId | Field of data that will define the relation between different nodes of the network. Important: Used when adding complete data, to generate links. | string | - | - |
linkSource | Field of data/links that will define the links' sources. | string | - | source |
linkTarget | Field of data/links that will define the links' targets. | string | - | target |
nodeVal | Field of data/nodes or property that will define the size of the spheres. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. | - | parseAccessor | size |
nodeRelSize | Volume per nodeVal unit, it adjusts the size of the spheres my multiplying their nodeVal. | number | - | 4 |
nodeColor | Field of data/nodes or property that will define the color of each node. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. | - | parseAccessor | color |
nodeAutoColorBy | Field of data/nodes or property that will define the color of each node by coloring those with the same field equally. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. Important: It only affects nodes without a nodeColor property. | - | parseAccessor | - |
nodeResolution | Defines the number of slice segments in the sphere’s circumference in the nodes | number | 8 | - |
linkColor | Field of data/links that will define the color of each link. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. | - | parseAccessor | color |
linkAutoColorBy | Field of data/links that will define the color of each link of the network by coloring those with the same field equally. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. Important: It only affects links without a linkColor property. | - | parseAccessor | - |
linkWidth | Defines the width of the links. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. A value of 0 will render a line. | - | parseAccessor | 0 |
linkResolution | Defines the number of radial segments in the line cylinder’s geometry in each link only if the linkWidth is positive. | number | - | 6 |
linkLabel | Field of data/links or property that will be shown in the legend of each link of the network. It cannot be “source” or “target”, nor “linkSource” or “linkTarget”. It accepts numbers, strings or functions. | - | parseAccessor | "" |
Data format example
First option: data
[ {"country": "Italy", "continent": "Europe", "size": 301300}, {"country": "China", "continent": "Asia", "size": 9600000}, {"country": "Spain", "continent": "Europe", "size": 505400}, {"country": "India", "continent": "Asia", "size": 3290000} ... ]
In this case, linkID could be defined as continent, and a link would be created between the countries with equal continent. The result will be the same as getting the data separared in nodes and links as follows.
Second option: nodes and links
[ {"country": "Italy", "continent": "Europe", "size": 301300}, {"country": "China", "continent": "Asia", "size": 9600000}, {"country": "Spain", "continent": "Europe", "size": 505400}, {"country": "India", "continent": "Asia", "size": 3290000} ... ]
[ {"id": 1, "source": "Italy", "target": "Spain"}, {"id": 2, "source": "China", "target": "India"}, ... ]
Original Component
This component is based on the aframe-forcegraph-component by vasturiano.
It accepts the following properties defined in the original component: numDimensions, dagMode, dagLevelDistance, dagNodeFilter, onDagError, nodeResolution, nodeVisibility, nodeOpacity, nodeThreeObject, nodeThreeObjectExtend, linkVisibility, linkOpacity, linkCurvature, linkCurveRotation, linkMaterial, linkThreeObject, linkThreeObjectExtend, linkPositionUpdate, linkDirectionalArrowLength, linkDirectionalArrowColor, linkDirectionalArrowRelPos, linkDirectionalArrowResolution, linkDirectionalParticles, linkDirectionalParticleSpeed, linkDirectionalParticleWidth, linkDirectionalParticleColor, linkDirectionalParticleResolution, forceEngine, d3AlphaMin, d3AphaDecay, d3VelocityDecay, ngraphPhysics, warmupTicks, cooldownTicks, cooldownTime, onEngineTick, onEngineStop. To know more or to access all the information related to the original component visit