Others APIs
babia-ui component
This component lets us select the data and the metrics that we want to show in the targeted visualizer at any time.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
target | ID of the visualizer that will manage | string | - |
hideRows | Array of the rows that want to be hidden | array | - |
hideFields | Array of the fields that want to be hidden | array | - |
showOnly | Array of the fields that only want to show, format property:field, example: babia-ui=“showOnly: height:field, color:otherfield” | array | - |
maxPerRow | Max items per row, if more, a breakline will be added | number | 5 |
linesSeparation | Distance between lines of the UI | number | 0.3 |
customQuerierLabel | Custom label of the first row when there are more than one querier | string | Data |
customAttributeSwitch | Atrributes to remove/add to the targer. Format attr:value, example: babia-ui=“customAttributeSwitch: wireframe:true, color:blue” | array | - |
customAttributeLabel | Custom label for the attributes to represent in the customAttributeSwitch row. Format attr:label, example: babia-ui=“customAttributeSwitch: trasnparency20byBuildingField:Transparency, wireframeByBuildingField:Wireframe” | array | - |
<a-entity babia-ui = 'target: visualizerid'></a-entity>
babia-lookat component
Based on https://github.com/supermedium/superframe/tree/master/components/look-at/
The look-at component defines the behavior for an entity to dynamically rotate or face towards another entity or position. The rotation of the entity will be updated on every tick. The look-at component can take either a vec3 position or a query selector to another entity.
Type | Description |
selector | A query selector indicating another entity to track. If the other entity is moving then the look-at component will track the moving entity. |
vec3 | An XYZ coordinate. The entity will face towards a static position. |
<a-entity id="monster" geometry="primitive: box" material="src: url(monster.png)" look-at="[camera]"></a-entity>
babia-navigator component
The navigator component creates a timeline with all indexes of the selector component and lets manage it using player, speed, and step controllers.
To work needs to indicate it inside the selector
<a-entity id="nav" babia-navigator></a-entity>
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
direction | Direction of the time evolution (forward or rewind ). If is empty or it gets a different value, it behaves like forward . Important: Do not set this value manually, it will be updated with the direction value of the selector via notiBuffer. |
string | forward |
state | State of the time evolution (play or pause ). If is empty or it gets a different value, it behaves like play . Important: Do not set this value manually, it will be updated with the state value of the selector via notiBuffer |
string | play |
babia-axis components
The axis components add axis to the graphs. It is currently available for babia-bars and babia-barsmap components.
babia-axis-x component
This component adds a x axis to the graph.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
labels | List of labels to show | array | - |
ticks | Points where labels are added in the axis | array | - |
length | Length of the axis | number | - |
color | Color for axis and labels | color | #000 |
palette | Color palette for axis and labels:blues bussiness sunset . See more) Important: If the value is not None, it will disable color attribute. |
string | ' ' |
animation | Animates the axis if true | boolean | true |
dur | Duration of animation | number | 2000 |
align | Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind | string | front |
name | Metric name to show on title label. | string | - |
<a-entity babia-axis-x = 'labels: countries, ticks: calculatedTicks, length: 10, palette: ubuntu,
align: behind, name: country'></a-entity>
babia-axis-y component
This component adds a y axis to the graph.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
maxValue | Maximum value that this axis will show | number | - |
length | Length of the axis | number | - |
minSteps | Minimum number of steps | number | 6 |
color | Color for axis and labels | color | #000 |
animation | Animates the axis if true | boolean | true |
dur | Duration of animation | number | 2000 |
align | Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind | string | front |
name | Metric name to show on title label. | string | - |
<a-entity babia-axis-y = 'maxValue: 250, length: 10, color: #fff,
align: left'></a-entity>
babia-axis-z component
This component adds a z axis to the graph.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
labels | List of labels to show | array | - |
ticks | Points where labels are added in the axis | array | - |
length | Length of the axis | number | - |
color | Color for axis and labels | color | #000 |
palette | Color palette for axis and labels. Important: If the value is not None, it will disable color attribute. |
string | ' ' |
animation | Animates the axis if true | boolean | true |
dur | Duration of animation | number | 2000 |
align | Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind | string | front |
name | Metric name to show on title label. | string | - |
<a-entity babia-axis-z = 'labels: continents, ticks: calculatedTicks, length: 10, palette: pearl,
align: front, name: continent'></a-entity>
babia-camera component
This component built the needed things related to the camera for changing between VR and On-Screen, it adds cursor components and inserts oculus controllers.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
raycasterMouse | Objects the raycaster can interact with | string | .babiaxraycasterclass |
raycasterHand | Objects the raycaster can interact with | string | .babiaxraycasterclass |
tipsOpened | Displays tips about hand controllers | boolean | true |
triggerRLabel | Action label for this button | string | Click |
triggerLLabel | Action label for this button | string | Teleport |
gridRLabel | Action label for this button | string | Open/Close Tips |
grigLLabel | Action label for this button | string | Stop Audio |
teleportCollision | Selector of the meshes used to check the collisions | string | .environmentGround |
<a-entity id="head" camera babia-camera="raycasterMouse: .babiaxraycasterclass, #audio_button; raycasterHand: .babiaxraycasterclass, #audio_button" look-controls wasd-controls="fly: false"></a-entity>
babia-range-selector component
This component uses the queryes component in order to change the time range in the query (only used in requests). It includes
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
defaultRange | Default time range in the list, options: Last 5 years, Last 2 years, Last 1 year, Last 6 months, Last 90 days, Last 60 days, Last 30 days, Last 7 days, Last 24 hours, Last 12 hours, Last 4 hours, Last 1 hour, Last 30 minutes, Last 15 minutes |
string | Last 1 year |
<!-- UI -->
<a-entity id="interface" babia-range-selector position="3.376 1.072 -3.073" rotation="0 -90 0" scale="0.132 0.132 0.132"></a-entity>
babia-poster component
This component is a soft fork of aframe-dialog-component: https://github.com/editvr/aframe-dialog-popup-component#readme
Property | Description | Default Value |
title | String containing title. | New Dialog |
titleColor | Text color of title. | black |
titleFont | Title font. | mozillavr |
titleWrapCount | Title entity wrap count. | 24 |
body | String containing body. | This dialog has no body yet. |
bodyColor | Text color of body. | black |
bodyFont | Body font. | mozillavr |
bodyWrapCount | Body entity wrap count. | 30 |
openOn | Open/Close event. | click |
active | Turn dialog on/off. | true |
openIconImage | Icon image for open button. | None |
openIconRadius | Radius for open icon. | 0.3 |
openIconColor | Color for open icon. | white |
closeIconImage | Icon image for open button. | None |
closeIconRadius | Radius for close icon. | 0.3 |
closeIconColor | Color for close icon. | white |
image | Path to Dialog hero image. | None |
imageWidth | Dialog hero image width. | 2 |
imageHeight | Dialog hero image height. | 2 |
dialogBoxWidth | Dialog box width. | 4 |
dialogBoxHeight | Dialog box height. | 4 |
dialogBoxColor | Dialog box background color. | white |
dialogBoxPadding | Dialog box padding. | 0.2 |
babia-experiment component
We recomment to follow this tutorial for using this component
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
taskTitle | Title of the task poster | string | Default task title |
taskDescription | Description of the task poster | string | Default task text |
openTaskImg | Img of the popup icon of the task poster | string | - |
closeTaskImg | Img of the popup icon of the task poster (for closing) | string | - |
timeLimitEnding | If the experiment last a defined time | boolean | false |
timeLimitTime | Time that the user has for conducting the experiment | seconds | 300 |
forceFinishWhenTimeLimit | Force experiment finish when time hiding the charts and downloading the data | boolean | false |
finishButton | Button to finish the experiment | boolean | true |
recordDelta | Time delta for recording the position and rotation of the camera | milliseconds | 3000 |
recordAudio | Record audio of the participant with the microphone | boolean | true |
taskAudio | If the task is defined by an audio | boolean | false |
taskAudioUrl | URL of the mp3 audio for defining the task | string | - |
taskVideo | If the task is defined by an video | boolean | false |
taskVideoId | ID of the asset with the video for defining the task | string | - |
taskVideoWidth | Width of the video panel | boolean | 3 |
taskVideoWidth | Height of the video panel | boolean | 1.75 |
lookat | What everything created by this component will follow in rotation | string | [camera] |
babia-task component
We recomment to follow this tutorial for using this component
This component only works when using the babia-experiment component, as a child
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
taskTitle | Title of the task poster | string | Default task title |
taskDescription | Description of the task poster | string | Default task text |
openTaskImg | Img of the popup icon of the task poster | string | - |
closeTaskImg | Img of the popup icon of the task poster (for closing) | string | - |
taskAudio | If the task is defined by an audio | boolean | false |
taskAudioUrl | URL of the mp3 audio for defining the task | string | - |
taskVideo | If the task is defined by an video | boolean | false |
taskVideoId | ID of the asset with the video for defining the task | string | - |
taskVideoWidth | Width of the video panel | boolean | 3 |
taskVideoWidth | Height of the video panel | boolean | 1.75 |
offsetX | Offset in the X axis for positioning the task (useful when more than one babia-task) | number | 0 |
lookat | What everything created by this component will follow in rotation | string | [camera] |
babia-html component
This component shows the DOM structure rendered in 3D
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
html | HTML stringifyed to represent in 3D | string | '' |
distanceLevels | Distance between children levels | float | 0.7 |
renderHTML | If you want to render as a texture the HTML of each item. **IMPORTANT: You need to add into your html the html2canvas dependency <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/1.4.1/html2canvas.min.js"></script> |
boolean | false |